We are pleased to publish the Hidden Hardship Devotional Study Guide
If you would like free paper copies of the devotional study guide posted to you, please contact Dr Stephanie Denning at stephanie.denning@coventry.ac.uk with how many copies you would like, who they are for, and the postal address (UK only).
This guide is written for Christians across the UK whether they are living in rural or urban areas: the UK is one of the most unequal societies in the world and there is hidden hardship amongst affluence in every community across the country. Hardship is not simply a problem of ‘elsewhere’.
The guide has 10 themed days for you to engage with and is written for individuals rather than groups to do together. Days 9 and 10 conclude with themes on taking action. We have aimed to be both affirming of current responses to hardship, and to challenge individuals, congregations, and groups on how we can work for a future without hardship.